Donna Rose
Ms. Rose has been with ODU since 2005. She serves as course coordinator for Adult Health Nursing I & N393: Clinical Skills for Non-nursing Majors.
She works in other courses including Health Assessment for both undergraduate and RN to BSN students, Fundamentals of Nursing, Adult Health II, and Adult Health III (critical care), Role Transition, and Career Pathway Development for the RN to BSN students. She continues to practice nursing at Sentara Leigh Hospital and has served as a reviewer for several chapters in a fundamentals of nursing textbook. Ms. Rose was the recipient of a Faculty Innovator Grant award “Using Video to Enhance Patient Handoff and Student Nurse Simulation.” She has been recognized as a caring and supportive role model by students and was voted a “Shining Star” amongst faculty by residential students.
D.N.P. in Educational Leadership, Case Western Reserve University, (2017)
M.S.N. in Nurse Educator Role, Old Dominion University, (2005)
B.S. in Nursing, Old Dominion University, (1994)
A.A.S. in Nursing, Tidewater Community College, (1984)
- Advanced Cardiac Life Support
- Sponsoring Organization:
- Date Obtained: 2015-01-01
- RN license for state of Virginia
- Sponsoring Organization: Virginia State Board of Nursing
- Date Obtained: 1985-01-01
Contracts, Grants and Sponsored Research
- Wiles, L., Rose, D. L. and Curry-Lourenco, K. A. "Seeing is Believing: Teaching Infection Control to Nursing Students" $2,500. Old Dominion University. -
- Rose, D. L. "Using Avatars to enhance Patient Handoff and Student Nurse Simulation . Old Dominion University. December 2007 - June 2008
Research Interests
Patient safety specifically with the handoff process.
- Wiles, L., Rose, D. L., Curry-Lourenco, K. A. and Swift, D. (2014). Bringing Learning to Light: Innovative Instructional Strategies for Teaching Infection Control to Nursing Students. Nursing Education Perspectives.
- Rose, D. L. (2013). I've Heard Report, Now What Do I Do? Avatars Prepare Novice Students for Patient Handoff. Nurse Educator 38 (2) , pp. 54-55.
- Rose, D. L. (2013). The avatar nurse: Bridging the hand-off gap: It’s not science fiction.. Reflections on Nursing Leadership (Sigma Theta Tau International Journal) 38 (4).
- Rose, D. L . (May 25, 2015). Using a Blended Simulation Experience to Introduce Novice Nursing Students to Patient Handoff and Quality & Safety Competencies. Poster (QSEN) National Forum: 10 Years and Going Strong. San Diego.
- Rose, D. L. (November , 2014). “The Entertainer: Innovative Teaching Strategies for Today’s Diverse Nursing Students.” Oral Presentation 2014 Baccalaureate Education Conference Baltimore, MD.
- Wiles, L., Rose, D. L., Curry-Lourenco, K. A. and Swift, D. (May 23, 2012). “Creating the Learning Experience: A Collaborative Teaming Approach" Oral Presentation Center for Learning and Teaching, Faculty Summer Institute Norfolk, VA.
- Wiles, L., Rose, D. L. and Curry-Lourenco, K. A. (April , 2012). “Seeing is Believing: Using Ultraviolet Light as a Technology Based Strategy to Teach Infection Control.” Poster Research Symposium; The Changing Health Care System: A Call for New Nursing Roles in Leadership, Practice, Education and Research. Virginia Beach, VA.
- Rose, D. L. (February , 2012). “I’ve Heard Report, Now What?” Avatars Prepare Novice Students to Receive Handoff.” Poster Virginia Patient Safety Summit Richmond, VA.
- Rose, D. L. and Wiles, L. (November , 2011). Blending Health Information Technologies to Facilitate Learning During Clinical Make-up Experiences.” Poster Durham, NC.
- Wiles, L. and Rose, D. L. (November , 2011). “Seeing is Believing: Using Ultraviolet Light as a Technology Based Strategy to Teach Infection Control.” Poster Durham, NC.
- Rose, D. L. (October , 2010). "I've Heard Report, Now What Do I do?" Use of Avatars to Prepare Students for Their First Clinical Experience. Conference on Enhancing Nursing Undergraduate Teaching and Learning in the clinical Setting: What do we know and how do we move forward? Washington, DC.
- 2015: Voted as "Shining Star" amongst faculty by students, ODU
- 2013: University wide "Teaching with Technology Award", Old Dominion University
- 2011: Health Information Scholars (HITS) program, National League for Nursing
- 2011: Excellence in Teaching with Technology Award, Old Dominion University
- 2011: Voted as "Shining Star" amongst faculty by residential students,
- 2010: Promotion to Senior Lecturer, ODU
- 2008: Voted as "Shining Star" amongst faculty by residential students,